Wednesday, February 17, 2010

How to Make a 5 Braid Bread

The very first day in my Intro to Baking-Breads class we had to make a 2,3,4 and 5 braid with bread dough. I got everything down pat but the 4 and 5 braid. After a while of messing up I had to ball the dough back up and re roll it. As you can imagine the chef was not happy with this. We are not allowed to record video in the class room, so I can not show you the technique that the chef showed us, but I did find a fabolous video on youtube.The video is short and straight to the point. Hope you enjoy.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I really like your blog.
    I have to admit, I'm not a very good cook; and I haven't really ever tried baking.
    Only perhaps my mum's brownie's.
    But, through your blog,
    I think I could learn about bakery, and maybe attempt it :)

  3. ooo a baking blog!
    i love baking! Not so much other cooking, but baking is so fun:)
    and who doesnt like the sweets? nice blog

  4. @Victoria I am so glad you like the blog. Hopefully you will be able to inspire you to bake a couple of things!

    @GiGi thanks hon!
